FUNDRAISING IDEA’S - Tea Towels is a start, and a great one at that!

FONDSINSAMELINGS IDEES - Tee Doeke is ‘n begin - en ‘n oulike idee daarby!

Hier is hoe jy kan deelneem:

  1. Koop ‘n tee-doek vir jou gesinskombuis, bure, maak oulike geskenkpakkies op.

  2. Laat weet ons as jy kreatiewe idees het wat ons nog kan bylas, maak (jou naam kan opgedruk word as jy sou wou!)

  3. As jy ‘n konsep het wat vir jou besigheid sal werk, ons kan vir jou bestel en laat aflewer, ons kan ook ‘n gedeelte namens jou verkoop.

  4. As jy ons tee-doeke wil verkoop in jou winkel, daar is ‘n maklike manier, vra ons hoe.

    Wit doeke met swart op is algemeen, daar is volkleur ook beskikbaar maar effens duurder.


This is how you can be part of the Tea-Towel initiative:

  1. Just buy one or two for your own home kitchen, a gift, a filler.

  2. If you want to be creative, let us know which way to go, we can even credit your name on print!

  3. If you have a concept of a design that can work for your business, we can make it for you and help you fundraise, or sell on your behalf.

  4. If you would like to sell our Tea-Towels in your shop, there is a super easy way, ask us how.

    Printing black on a white tea towel stands out best. We can print full color at a higher rate.


Die eerste twee Tee-doeke is vir konnekt magazine. Gedurende die ‘lock-down’ periodes en ‘n elle lang lys van kostes - wil ons graag die Suid Afrikaanse Engelse Nieu-Seelandse tydskrif elke maand sien. Daar is so baie om te lees en om oor te skryf, dit bly ‘n bonus. Die fondsinsameling gaan na die drukkery elke maand sodat ons lekker kan lees van ons landsgenote in Nieu-Seeland. Klik op die tee-doek om joune aan te koop.

The first two Tea towels are for konnekt magazine. During the lock-down periods and a long list of costs - we would like to see the South African English New Zealand magazine every month. There is so much to read and write about, it remains a bonus. The fundraiser goes to printing every month so we can enjoy reading about our compatriots in New Zealand. Click on the tea towel to buy yours.